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get in touch with us
Veronica van Dyk (Owner)
Die Houthoop Guest Farm
Steenvlei, Kleinzee
R355 Route from Springbok through Kleinzee
From Springbok take the R355 over Spektakel Pass. Continue straight onto the gravel road, until you reach Kleinzee. The distance from Springbok to Kleinzee is a 100km. When you reach Grootmist (on your left) on your way to Kleinzee, continue over the concrete crossing (don't turn off at the dirt road) and drive past the old Sandkop security gate on your way to Koingnaas. Continue for more or less 10km until you reach the Houthoop turn off on the left hand side. Turn left onto a dirt road and drive for 6km until you reach Die Houthoop on the left hand side.
Route from Springbok through Kommaggas
From Springbok take the R355 over Spektakel Pass. About 40km from Springbok, you will see a turnoff on your left to Komaggas, just before the gravel road starts. Turn left and drive 21 km on this tar road to Komaggas. In Komaggas the gravel road starts. Drive through the town, going right at the bottle store – continue on the gravel road pass the Kameeldoring forest. (This forest is one of the 10 "hot spots" in the world, because the trees are not indigenous to the area.) Drive for another 40km - you will reach the Houthoop turn off on your right hand side.
Travel can be done by a normal sedan vehicle.
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